Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things to do on e-learning days 12 to 13 July

1. Open your lead.com email. I have emailed the powerpoint your group needs to work on during the e-learning days.
2. Use the attachments in your group's email to work on your group's powerpoint.
    Remember to select reply all when you send your email.
3. Do attach images or pictures in your powerpoint. If you know how to add youtube links, that would be even better. You may do research online to find out the information your group requires. You may wish to email the athletes you have selected or view their facebooks to access information required to plan your diet for the type of athlete your group has selected.
4. Select the group leader well. He or she has to collate all the information properly and decide on what should be on your group's powerpoint.
5. Points will be awarded on the final powerpoint your group creates. Points will also be awarded for your group's presentation on 20 July.
Remember to work together and be a good team member. Contribute your ideas and information you have done research on.

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